Programme of activities for younger children
Nature is a precious resource which we are getting to know more about and to have more respect for. Nature is the home of a wealth of different animals, each having its own role and function. We can hear a multitude of voices in the wood, which have inspired the music of man for centuries. Such as the swishing of leaves, the rhythm of dripping water, birdsong, the rhythmic beating sound made by the woodpecker on the branch
. A day spent in the Enchanted Forest, against the magnificent natural setting of the Upper Po Valley, will feature a series of fairy tales and stories, songs and movement. Through play children will be taught to appreciate the wood and its inhabitants, and interact with them.
We shall observe the trees and the animals that show themselves; we shall experiment the potential of our voices and bodies, in a truly unique and stimulating context, focusing on the sounds present in nature, through a series of exercises to promote active listening.
FAMILY SUNDAY (Children accompanied by parents)
The Family Sunday events are a wonderful opportunity for relaxation and bonding between parents and children, spent in play and creative activities, immersed in a splendid natural setting.
-A day of spiritualism and relaxation; mantra learning, drawing mandala together, reciprocal massages, exercised to promote energy and inner awareness
-Building workshop using salvaged materials
-Dance, fairy tales and songs from around the world.
Children can enjoy a wonderfully stimulating afternoon with the entertainers, in which they can test their strengths, learn, share and have fun!
-Musical instrument making
-Small percussion instrument workshop
-Games based on cultural discovery; themes games and stories about some world populations, learning with our hands; felt work, dreamcatcher, stone painting, puppets, story teller dice, marble leaves and Indian ink.
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